Friday, June 16, 2000

Neo's Posts

The unabridged collection of my posts (all volumes, hardbound)!!!

In reverse chronological order (oldest post listed at the top, latest post listed at the bottom of the page) and none-whatsoever-logical order :

The ones marked with * are among the ones I most recommend


#001 c out!! what?

#002 How "Computer Courses" flourish??

#003 Contra

#004 Googling.... Ushuaia

#005 Myth or truth?

#006 "Topo"logy * 

#007 Real life Superman


#008 Baam!! Thunkkk!! Kabbbb-oooommmmm!!!

#009 Google - Plan 9 (Part 1)

#010 Google - Plan 9 (Part 2)

#011 The seven stages of life

#012 Numa Numa... err.. Oye Oye.. anybody??

#013 Spirit - The Stallion of Cimmaron

#014 India vs China : Let the figures speak

#015 Tribute to a legend : Star Wars

#016 Twinkle Twinkle Li'll Star

#017 High Flier

#018 Let the Tournament begin

#019 Sacrifice *

#020 The LEDs *


#021 Bison of jungle *

#022 The Man *

#023 Signed Integer Theory *

#024 Nostalgia Grammar - Past Perfect, Future Tense

#025 Set 1

#026 Google Labs or growing junk-yard

#027 Gates of Heaven *

#028 Message in a Bottle *

#029 The Heaven's Currency [Gates of Heaven: Part-2]

#030 Conspiracy Theories


#031 Catch Me If You Can

#032 Barely Caught! [Catch Me If You Can: Part-2]

#033 A Lone Tree (poem)

#034 Now I Catch People [Catch Me If You Can: Part-3]

#035 Holi 2007

#036 The day the Earth (and my campus) stood still

#037 Trying out Orkut videos

#038 String Theory (from PBS Network - NOVA)

#039 The Centennial Man

#040 What has MBA taught you?

#041 Packing a 64kB punch

#042 Mumbai, it zips

#043 Analyze this

#044 Annual CAT festival

#045 An unusual birthday

#046 This summers

#047 Better than salsa

#048 Fog of war

#049 Fog of War (Part II)

#050 Hibernation

#051 Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, together!

#052 The Mythical Month (book summary)

#053 Space Tourism

#054 The man with no name *

#055 The "auto" in the automobile is here

#056 Hinduism, World Was II and AC Roma

#057 Surprise!

#058 ERI

#059 Commencement speeches

#60 Hiatus A Deux

#61 What is the Takeaway?

#62 Shaken, not just stirred